I have write down some important MCQ question on Unit-5 (Fundamentals of Filters and Operational Amplifiers) and Unit-6 (Embedded System) of ECE-131 course for Engineering Students-
1) The _________ allows systems and services to be accesible by a group of organizations.
A. Private cloud
B. Public cloud
C. Community cloud
D. Hybrid cloud
2) What is the most important area of concern in cloud computing?
A. Storage
B. Scalability
C. Security
D. none of the above
3) MQTT and HTTP are the protocols
A. Machine to machine interaction
B. Internet of Things interaction
C. Cloud computing
D. Any of the above
4) Which out of following is used to collect and process the data to detect the changes in the physical status of things?
A. Nano Technology
B. Actuators
C. Sensors
5) In embedded systems the control unit and execution units are part of
A. Internal memory
B. Processor
C. Timers
D. Interrupt control
6) Embedded system processors are
D. Multiprocessor
7) Which out of following is not having power saving mode
A. Micro processors
B. Microcontroller
C. Embedded systems
D. Timers
8) The technology freeze the software in silicon
B. SoC
9) This operating system is specially designed to run various applications with an exact timing and a huge amount of consistency is
D. Windows
10) What are filters created by using resistors and capacitors or inductors and capacitors called?
A. Active filters
B. Passive filters
C. Continuous filters
D. Differential filters
11) An RC low-pass filter consists of a 120 resistor and a 0.002 F capacitor. The output is taken across the capacitor. The circuit's critical frequency is
A. 333 kHz
B. 633 kHz
C. 331 kHz
D. 60 kHz
12) A certain non inverting amplifier has Ri of 1 kΩ and Rf of 100 kΩ. The closed-loop voltage gain is ………
13) The output voltage of an open-loop differential amplifier is equal to
A. Double the difference between the two input voltages
B. Product of voltage gain and individual input voltages
C. Product of voltage gain and the difference between the two input voltages
D. Double the voltage gain and the difference between two input voltages
14) Current cannot flow to ground through …….
A. a mechanical ground
B. an a.c. ground
C. a virtual ground
D. an ordinary ground
15) Which out of following not a part of service model of cloud computing
A. IaaS
B. PaaS
C. SaaS
D. None of the above
16) In a three layered structure of embedded systems arrange the layers from outer to inner
(i) Hardware
(ii) Application software
(iii) Operating system
A. (iii), (ii), (i)
B. (ii), (iii), (i)
C. (i), (ii), (iii)
D. (i), (iii), (ii)
17) Software written for embedded system is called
A. Application Software
B. System program
C. Operating system
D. None of these
18) Which out of the following is not a constraint in designing and developing embedded software?
A. Available system memory
B. Available processor speed
C. The need to limit the power dissipation
D. Real time operation
19) For processing the images, audio, video , which processor will be preferred
D. SoC
20) For an Op-amp with negative feedback, the output is …….
A. equal to the input
B. increased
C. fed back to the inverting input
D. fed back to the non-inverting input
21) Op-Amp IC741 having output pin at number
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 7
22) How many stages of data processing is there in Op-Amp
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 7
23) Op-Amp was invented by
A. Wallbrick
C. Philbrick
D. Brickphil
24) Which filters out of following provide the amplification of signals
A. passive low pass filter
B. active low pass filter
C. LR low pass filter
D. RC low pass filter
25) The amplitude of the passing signal at cutoff frequency is
A. 31.8%
B. 63.3%
C. 68.9%
D. 70.7%
26) Which filters having crisp boundries?
A. Ideal filters
B. Realistic filters
C. Band pass filters
D. Band stop filters
27) Which out of following is also known as twin-T filter?
A. Band pass
B. Band stop
C. Low pass
D. High pass
28) The increase in bandwidth will decrease the_______ of Op-amp
A. internal resistance
B. frequency
C. gain
D. external resistance
29) A= -Rf/ Ri is the gain of
A. non- inverting op-amp
B. inverting op-amp
C. Integral op-amp
D. Differential op-amp
30) Which out of the following is incorrect statement about filters
A. Low pass filters attenuates high frequencies
B. Lower cutoff frequency is decided by high pass filter in band pass filters
C. Higher cutoff frequency is decided by high pass filters in band pass filters
D. High pass filters pass signals of higher frequency than cutoff frequency
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